Kurs 2 - Nedeterminističko modelovanje



Module Code:



Aims & Objectives:

Introduce the basic criteria and techniques that are deterministically based and are used for power system planning. Discuss the basic weaknesses of there criteria that do not reflect the stochastic nature of system operation. Present the main areas for the probabilistic modelling of system behaviour and the respective probabilistic methods and techniques that have been developed. Develop knowledge and understanding of the specific modelling for the power generation, transmission and distribution systems. Students will be encouraged to apply skills and knowledge acquired in probability theory and statistics to power system planning problems.

Brief description of the module:  

Introduction to deterministic criteria for power system applications, Basic concepts of power system reliability evaluation, Main adequacy indices for power system reliability performance, Markov modelling techniques, Analytical techniques for reliability assessment of generation and transmission systems, Monte-Carlo methods, Simulation methods for reliability assessment of generation and transmission systems, Modelling of the stochastic nature for hydroelectric power plants and wind parks, Reliability worth, Reliability parameters of power system equipment, Customer oriented performance indices of transmission and distribution systems operating in the competitive electric energy market


Lecture hours: 15 Tutorial hours: 6 Laboratory/Coursework hours: 9 Other (specify):


Knowledge and understanding

  1. Identify the hierarchical levels of reliability assessment studies in power systems;

  2. Understand the needs for power system supply under the competitive electric energy market framework;

  3. Discuss the reasons for applying a non - deterministic (probabilistic) modelling for power system planning;

  4. Understand the increased modelling characteristics of power systems that are taken into account;

  5. Appreciate the entire set of performance indices that more truly represent the power system operation.

Intellectual skills

  1. Design power generation and transmission systems in order to improve its reliability performance;

  2. Justify the differences between the analytical and simulation modelling methods;

  3. Develop simple power system models for reliability studies; 

  4. Evaluate the appropriate power system reliability indices;

  5. Make improvements of power system topology and operational practices with respect to overall system reliability and cost.

 Practical skills

  1. Select a suitable configuration and topology of a power system and determine the minimum requirements for the reliability assessment studies;

  2. Use specialised software for power system reliability studies, write technical report based on performed studies.

  3. Use software to analyse alternative power system schemes and obtain the optimal one.

Transferable skills and personal qualities

  1. Understand differences between theoretical and actual behaviour of power system operation;

  2. Ability to successfully use various simulation packages in order to perform required analysis;

  3. Multidisciplinary approach to solving complex practical power system problems.



Introduction to deterministic criteria for power system applications (1);
Basic concepts of power system reliability evaluation (1);
Main adequacy indices for power system reliability performance (1);
Markov modelling techniques (1);
Analytical techniques for reliability assessment of generation and transmission systems (2);
Monte-Carlo methods (1);
Simulation methods for reliability assessment of generation and transmission systems (2);
Modelling of the stochastic nature for hydroelectric power plants and wind parks (2);
Reliability worth (2);
Reliability parameters of power system equipment (1);
Customer oriented performance indices of transmission and distribution systems operating in the competitive electric energy market (1)


Coursework (including word length and relative weighting):

Nine hours of computer based laboratory work. A formal report is pre-requisite for the examination.

The course work contributes 30% to the final module mark.


Examinations (including examination length, number of questions and relative weighting):

There is a 2 (3) hour written examination with 4 (5) questions out of which students should attempt 3 (4). The examination contributes 70% to the final module mark.


Directed reading (state if material provided):


Staff involved:
Module leader: Prof. E. N. Dialynas

Other staff: Prof. M. Barbosa

Date of last revision:

5 May 2008